
The Southeast is home to nearly half of the Brazilian population which is mainly housed in the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte.

The Southeast covers 11% of Brazil and contains 43% of the population who live in the states of Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.


São Paulo is the business capital of Brazil, the train that pulls the rest of the Brazilian economy. Latin America’s largest industrial and commercial centre, São Paulo covers an area five times greater than Paris, and is a city which offers international cuisine and a night-life of the variety and quality of New York and Paris, but at a fraction of the price.

Monument of Bandeirantes


As a major city, Rio de Janeiro has all any visitor could expect and more. Excellent restaurants, sophisticated nightclubs, charming bars, musical extravaganzas, theatres, cinemas, museums, art galleries, fashionable stores and shopping centres, and world-class sport. As a tropical resort, Rio de Janeiro offers a wide expanse of golden beaches, near perfect weather the year round, hotels to appeal to every taste and budget, folklore,typical

Rio seen from Sugar Loaf

foods and music, sightseeing, and the feeling that the visitor has really been abroad and to somewhere very special. None of this takes into account the overall beauty of Rio de Janeiro that has made the city famous and revered throughout the world.

Belo Horizonte acts as the gateway to the historical state of Minas Gerais where the towns of Ouro Preto, Tiradentes, Congonhas, Mariana and São João del Rey are to be found, each a living historical monument.

Historical colonial-style houses in Ouro Preto