


Area 630 Km2
Population 1.587.315 (2000)
Area Code 041
Time zone GMT - 3 hours
Voltage 110 V


Average Temperatures

Months January April June September
ºC ºC ºC ºC
Highest 28,8 28,8 27,8 32,4
Average 21 20,7 18,2 21,4
Lowest 16 11,2 9,8 10


The capital of the state of Paraná has become world renowned for its innovative urban solutions and the quality of life enjoyed by its inhabitants. Education and health have been treated as priority services. The transport system is a model for major cities. The green area - 52 m2 per inhabitant - is far in excess of the 16 m2 per inhabitant minimum recommended by the UN. Wide pavements, Rua 24 Horas (24 Hours Street), conservation of the architectural heritage and selective refuse collection have been conceived with the well-being of the population of Curitiba as the starting point.


Curitiba was born in the shade of Paraná pines a little over three hundred years ago. Its name bears its native heritage: kur ity ba, as the Indians used to call the pine-kernels, the fruits of the Paraná pines and the symbolic tree of Paraná. The city came into being when the gold prospectors from the coast travelled up-river to the Serra do Mar arriving at the plains, being officially founded on March 29th, 1693. In 1842, the town acquired city status with the name Curitiba, before being elevated to state capital in 1853.